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Older Adults & Aging

Showing   of 65 results

Infographic: 5 Brain-Boosting Foods

5 Brain-Boosting Foods

Eating certain foods can not only help slow brain aging, it can also reduce the risk of developing dementia.

Susan Welch enjoys a day at the beach

Coordinated Care Helps Woman Conquer Multiple Health Challenges

Susan Welch has faced more than her fair share of health challenges over the years. Through it all, her endocrinologist, Betul Hatipoglu, MD, was by her side to support, encourage and offer innovative options for treatment.

Debra with her husband and daughter, Lauren, who is a physical therapist at UH

Alternative to Rotator Cuff Surgery Leads to Faster Healing

Concerned about a lengthy recovery after rotator cuff surgery, Debra turned to University Hospitals and found a better, minimally invasive option for treatment.

Smiling grandfather hugging granddaughter

New Drug Offers Hope for Early-Stage Alzheimer's Disease

Leqembi is the first U.S. FDA-approved medication to alter how Alzheimer’s disease physically affects the brain rather than just treat its symptoms.

Helen Bishop smiles during a checkup with Edward Jastrzemski, MD

Senior Treasures 30 Years with Her Primary Care Physician

Helen Bishop, 90, has spent a third of her life with the same primary care provider, building a relationship of respect and trust between doctor and patient.

A woman experiences pain in her knee when she gets out of her car

Is Joint Pain Worse in Cold Weather?

People often blame cold weather or an impending storm for their increased joint pain. Are the two connected? And if so, what’s really causing the pain?

A senior woman sneezes into a tissue

Why Aren’t More Older Adults Getting the RSV Vaccine?

RSV tends to be just as serious an illness as flu for older adults, yet not many people are aware of it.

Cecilia Zarobila celebrating her 102nd birthday

Coronary Bypass Surgery Patient Celebrates Her 102nd Birthday

Cecilia Zarobila of Cleveland celebrated her 102nd birthday with the UH physician and medical team who have helped keep her alive and well for so long.

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