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Skin, Hair & Nails

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Teenage girl cleaning her face with cotton pad in front of the mirror

The Teen & Tween Skincare Craze: Harmless or Harmful?

For many young people, navigating the world of skincare products can be challenging, especially without appropriate education.

Sunscreen vs. Sunblock: What's the Difference?

Chemical Sunscreen vs. Mineral Sunscreen: What's the Difference?

All sunscreen formulas protect against sunburn, premature aging and skin cancer. Here’s how to know which one is right for you.

A young woman shopping for cosmetics in a zero waste store

Many Common Beauty Products Contain Dangerous Chemicals

A number of everyday hair and body products contain elevated levels of benzene, a cancer-causing chemical. Here’s how to reduce your risk.

Al Gizzi smiling outdoors

Cutaneous Oncology Team Collaborates to Save a Man’s Face From an Invasive Cancer

When a blemish on Al Gizzi’s forehead turned out to be an invasive, potentially disfiguring cancer with cells also in his nose and cheek, a team of UH specialists collaborated on a complex surgery and innovative treatment that spared his nose.

woman looking in the mirror and touching her face

How To Get – and Keep – Healthy Skin

Your skin is your body’s largest organ, and it’s fairly simple to take care of. But there are many different types of skin, and each need different kinds of care. Get practical tips on how to get your skin to look and feel its best.

woman on the beach applying sunscreen to arm

How To Choose a Sunscreen That Packs the Best Protection

Sunscreens are essential to lower your risk of skin cancer, and they also prevent premature aging of the skin, But with so many options, how do you pick?

woman's hands resting one atop the other

Your Nails Can Say a Lot About Your Health

There’s a lot more to fingernails and toenails than pruning and polishing. Your nails actually serve as a window to your health. Learn what changes in your nails should be mentioned to your primary care provider.

childhood skin problems

3 Common Childhood Skin Conditions No One Talks About

These annoying and embarrassing skin conditions might not come up in conversation with other parents, but they can affect many children.

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