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Susan Welch enjoys a day at the beach

Coordinated Care Helps Woman Conquer Multiple Health Challenges

Susan Welch has faced more than her fair share of health challenges over the years. Through it all, her endocrinologist, Betul Hatipoglu, MD, was by her side to support, encourage and offer innovative options for treatment.

A woman talking to her doctor in a medical clinic

Can Ozempic Treat Other Common Diseases Too?

Growing research suggests that Ozempic and similar medications may help treat heart disease, sleep apnea, kidney disease, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), substance use disorder and other conditions, but there is still much to be learned.

A chef sprinkling powdered sugar on chocolate souffle

Is Allulose the Perfect Sweetener?

This recently FDA-approved sugar substitute boasts a lot of positives. But before adding it to your coffee, it’s important to get the whole picture.

Close-up image of a human eye depicting a cataract clouding of the lens

Inherited Eye Diseases: The Importance of Early Diagnosis

Thanks to accelerating advances in genetic studies, there’s more hope than ever before for treating eye disease. However early diagnosis is key.


Dealing With Diabetes Burnout

Whether checking your blood glucose levels, counting carbohydrates or going to medical appointments – managing diabetes can be hard work.

pregnant woman cuts fruit

Controlling Gestational Diabetes Is Key for Mom and Baby

Gestational diabetes affects up to 10 percent of pregnant women. While it can’t be prevented, it can be controlled to keep both mom and baby healthy.

How Heart Disease Affects the Kidneys

The heart and kidneys share a special, life-sustaining connection, so that what’s good or bad for one is generally good or bad for the other.

Brandon West

Young Man Thriving a Decade After His Type 1 Diabetes Diagnosis

Brandon West was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at age 11. Ten years later, he credits his UH Rainbow providers with giving him the care to help him thrive.

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