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 A variety of soda cans

Think Diet Soda Is a Healthy Choice? Think Again

For those trying to adopt a healthier lifestyle, diet soda might seem like a sensible option. Learn why artificial sweeteners may be more harmful than sugar.

two teen girls drinking fancy coffee drinks

Frappuccinos and Pink Drinks: Safe for Teens and Tweens?

More and more adolescents are drinking “fancy” coffee and tea drinks. But are these sweet, caffeinated beverages healthy for young consumers?

woman checks blood pressure at home

How Blood Pressure Treatment Is Different for African Americans

African Americans have higher rates of high blood pressure than other groups, and often need different medications to keep it under control.

patients screened for cancer

Improving Cancer Outcomes Among African Americans

Cancer screenings and prevention strategies are essential in helping reduce the burden of cancer in the African American community.

Teenage girl cleaning her face with cotton pad in front of the mirror

The Teen & Tween Skincare Craze: Harmless or Harmful?

For many young people, navigating the world of skincare products can be challenging, especially without appropriate education.

Young man with morning joint pain

Why Do You Wake Up in Pain?

Waking up with stiff, aching joints is a common problem for people of all ages. Our expert explains why this happens and how to manage the pain.

man and woman hold hands in bed

Difficulty Reaching Orgasm a Common Problem for Women

Difficulty reaching orgasm is a problem many women face. Learn about the causes and potential solutions for this common female sexual concern.

A young girl sitting on sofa, feeling bad and suffering from dry cough

Is It Just a Cough – Or Childhood Asthma?

A cough here, a wheeze there. Most children have respiratory illnesses every now and then. But for one in 12 kids, these symptoms are a sign of something more significant: childhood asthma.

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