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Under The Rainbow - Summer 2017

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sad teen in mirror

Depression Rates Are On the Rise in Teenagers

Depression can make life challenging for teens. Plus, it’s a risk factor for suicide, the second-leading cause of death in 15- to 19-year-olds. A recent study in the journal Pediatrics shows this issue is only growing.


Does Your Child Have a Snoring Problem?

You may be interested in a study to help us learn what the best treatment is for mild sleep-disordered breathing, a condition in which children have snoring and breathing problems during sleep, but do not have apnea.


Some Martial Arts Carry Increased Injury Risks for Children

Karate, taekwondo, judo and other martial arts are popular with children. Although these activities provide a good workout for kids, some types also come with increased risk for injury, says the American Academy of Pediatrics.

mom looking at child's boo-boo

3 Common Childhood Injuries: Should You Go To the ER?

It can be tough to know when your child's injury requires immediate emergency room treatment or a bandage and a hug. Here are three common health scares and the best ways to handle them.

girl looking through a magnifying glass

Time Spent Outside Benefits Children’s Vision

Kids now spend more hours staring at screens and less time playing in the sunshine. The implications go beyond expanding waistlines.

frustrated-looking woman holding a crying toddler

Turn Your Child’s Public Misbehavior Into a Teachable Moment

Your response to your child misbehaving in public is an opportunity to teach them important lessons about respect, manners and self-control.


40 Awesome Things to Do This Summer

Summer is a great time for family fun! Here's our list of summertime activities to enjoy with your children.


Why 'Bad' Food For Your Child is Sometimes Good

If your family eats healthy most of the time, nutritional lapses are no big deal – and can even teach kids important facts about food.

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