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They Grow So Fast: A Parent’s Guide to Growth Charts

It’s important to track a child’s growth rate over time, but keep in mind that no one number tells the whole story.

Elderly man signing medical papers at the doctor's office

What Your Handwriting May Say About Your Health

If you're having trouble signing on the dotted line, or you've noticed a change in your handwriting, it may signal more than just sloppy writing.

Joyce hugging provider while holding a dozen roses

How Medical Advances Are Changing the Way Cancer is Treated

Recent advances in medicine are increasing the treatment options available to patients with certain types of cancer -- options that not long ago would have been considered more science fiction than fact.

mom looking at child's boo-boo

3 Common Childhood Injuries: Should You Go To the ER?

It can be tough to know when your child's injury requires immediate emergency room treatment or a bandage and a hug. Here are three common health scares and the best ways to handle them.


40 Awesome Things to Do This Summer

Summer is a great time for family fun! Here's our list of summertime activities to enjoy with your children.


How a Persistent Mom and a Second Opinion Saved a Child's Life

Dameyonna Willis knew something was wrong with her baby. After she sought a second opinion, doctors at UH Rainbow Babies & Children's Hospital diagnosed a congenital heart defect – and saved the infant's life.

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