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Under The Rainbow - Winter 2019

Showing   of 7 results

childproof house

Your Room-By-Room Guide to Childproofing Your Home

With potential dangers lurking around every corner, childproofing your home can be a challenge. This guide is a good start to keep your little ones safe.

doctor lookiing at spine x-rays

State-of-the-Art Scoliosis Surgery Gives Youngster Freedom to Try Anything

Meet Noel, a 12-year old with VATER syndrome who is riding horses and running again, thanks to new technology that is making pediatric spinal surgeries easier and safer to do.

A mom and dad with a smiling baby

Can Your Child See and Hear Clearly? What to Watch for

Good vision and hearing are key to a child's development and learning. Learn what to look out for in your kids so you know when to see a doctor.

Mother and father with smiling baby

4 Questions Every New Parent Has

As every new mom or dad discovers, babies don’t come with instruction manuals.

doctor and patient talking

How Your OB-GYN Can Help Protect Your Heart

Heart disease is the No. 1 killer of women, more than all cancers combined. Your OB-GYN can play a key role in helping detect heart disease early on. Learn more.

mom comforting baby

What to Do For Your Baby's Stuffy Nose

When cold and flu season hit, you may be wondering what to do for your baby's stuffy nose. Here are some newborn stuffy nose remedies to help your family breathe easy again.

Infant peering over edge of baby walker

Why Baby Walkers Can Put Your Child in Danger

A new study that looks at baby walker-related injuries has prompted U.S. pediatricians to renew a call for a ban on the devices. Baby walkers were banned in Canada in 2004.

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