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”Jojo” Jones pictured before and after his kidney transplant procedure

Toddler Thrives After Receiving Kidney Transplant at UH Rainbow

After receiving a kidney transplant at UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital, one-and-a-half-year-old Josiah “Jojo” Jones is full of energy and doing great.

Baby Formula Shortage - Advice from a Pediatrician and Tips for Concerned Parents

Amid a nationwide baby formula shortage, what do you need to know about switching and supplementing your baby’s formula?

Mother talking with her child before bedtime, smiling

How to Stop Having Bedtime Battles With Your Toddler

Does your toddler never stall at bedtime? And does she always go to sleep immediately after you tuck her in and say goodnight? If you answered “yes” to these questions, congratulations. This article is for the rest of us.

A montage of Sawyer, with her cast and without

Early Diagnosis of Girl’s Hip Dysplasia Is Key To Treatment Success

When Sawyer started to walk, her mother noticed a slight limp in her step. An X-ray revealed Sawyer had developmental dysplasia of the hip, a condition in which the ball part of the hip joint is partially or completely out of the socket.

mom lying in bed with child propped up on her bent legs playing finger game

How Your Child Learns To Read – and How You Can Help

Babies begin learning right from the moment of birth. Spend as much time as you can talking, reading, singing, and playing with your baby with these tips from UH Rainbow Babies and Children's.

little boy with hands on groin area as if he needs to go to the bathroom

Helping Your Child Cope With an Overactive Bladder

With an overactive bladder, nerves signal the bladder at the wrong time, which causes the bladder muscles to squeeze without warning. How to help your child take control of the situation.

car seats

Car Seats and Carriers Are No Substitute For a Crib

Babies sleep a lot, and new parents know little ones can fall asleep almost anywhere. But that doesn’t mean babies should sleep anywhere.


Top Toothbrushing Tips for Kids

Good habits are developed from an early age. Here are seven tooth brushing tips for children to help parents create good dental hygiene habits.

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