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3 Ways to Improve Your Child's Mental Game in Sports

Playing sports is as mental as it is physical. Learn how to improve your child athlete’s confidence, focus and anxiety management skills.

Coach talks to young rugby player

How to Prevent Burnout in Young Athletes

Burnout and overuse injury can limit your child’s enjoyment and success in playing sports. Learn how to recognize and prevent these common problems.

A collage of activities related to repetitive stress injuries

How to Prevent and Treat Repetitive Strain Injuries

Whether swinging a hammer or a tennis racquet, or working at a computer all day, overuse syndromes are common and treatable.

boat pose for abdominal exercise

4 Ab Exercises That Work Better Than Crunches

Is your go-to abdominal exercise the crunch? It may not be the best choice to get a flat stomach. Here are four alternatives to get those killer abs.

Sportsman putting protein powder in shaker after working out

Sports Nutrition Supplements: Do They Work?

There’s no shortage of dietary supplements designed to enhance athletic and exercise performance. But which ones are proven to work?

Football players tackle

What Parents Need to Know about Concussions

With sports-related concussions, allowing ample recovery time and not returning to play too soon lead to the best outcomes for young athletes.

The recovery process for Eliana Rosario has included physical therapy

Eliana’s Story: A Cautionary Tale about Long COVID in Kids

14-year-old Eliana Rosario is riding roller coasters this summer. After a bout of troubling symptoms, Eliana was successfully treated at the UH Rainbow COVID Recovery Clinic.

Man exercising wrist with dumbbell

Blood Flow Restriction Technique Lightens the Load for Rehabbing Patients

Traditional strength training in physical therapy is being transformed with a technique that allows patients to build muscle strength faster using significantly less weight resistance.

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