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Sexual & Reproductive Health

Showing   of 37 results

man and woman hold hands in bed

Difficulty Reaching Orgasm a Common Problem for Women

Difficulty reaching orgasm is a problem many women face. Learn about the causes and potential solutions for this common female sexual concern.

Illustration of a pensive man facing questions

Are Sperm Counts Declining?

Many factors can affect sperm quality. But not all experts agree that sperm counts are on the decline.

Microscopic view of Syphilis bacterium

Syphilis Is Making a Big Comeback. What You Should Know.

New cases have increased about 80 percent since 2018, a level not seen in the United States since 1950.

woman holds stomach

Treating the Severe Pelvic Pain of Endometriosis

Pelvic pain from endometriosis can disrupt everyday life for many women. Fortunately, there are effective options for managing symptoms.

Female Bladder Illustration

Organ-Sparing Bladder Surgery Lets Cancer Patient Enjoy Life

A bladder reconstruction known as neobladder allows a 44-year-old cancer patient to maintain both sexual function and quality of life.

woman holding birth control pills

FDA Approves First Over-the-Counter Birth Control Pill

The first birth control pill available without a prescription is the most effective over-the-counter contraceptive and will expand birth control access for women in the U.S.

A close-up of a doctor holding a condom

Why STIs Are on the Rise in Older Adults

There are a number of reasons why older adults may be susceptible to contracting an STI. Learn about the importance of screening and early detection.

A doctor consulting with her male urology patient

Penile Implant Effectively Cures Man’s Erectile Dysfunction

After receiving a penile implant at University Hospitals, a 66-year-old Shaker Heights resident with ED is closer than ever with his girlfriend of 15 years.

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