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Sally Ibrahim, MD

Showing   of 7 results

A tired teenager at home studying with a personal laptop computer

Narcolepsy: A Hidden Cause of Extreme Daytime Sleepiness

If daytime sleepiness is excessive and interferes with daily life, this misunderstood sleep disorder may be the cause.

A husband sleeps in bed while his wife suffers from insomnia

How Women’s Sleep Changes Across the Lifespan

Hormonal changes as a result of menstruation, pregnancy and menopause can wreak havoc on a woman’s sleep and often go unrecognized.

Mother talking with her child before bedtime, smiling

How to Stop Having Bedtime Battles With Your Toddler

Does your toddler never stall at bedtime? And does she always go to sleep immediately after you tuck her in and say goodnight? If you answered “yes” to these questions, congratulations. This article is for the rest of us.

Boy yawning in school

Spring Forward for Kids and Teens: Adjusting to the Time Change

With daylight saving time, we spring ahead – but losing an hour of sleep can cause problems for both parents and children. Learn how you can help ease the transition.

sleeping child

How Lack of Sleep Can Harm a Child's Health

Getting enough quality sleep is essential for young children and teens. Learn how inadequate sleep can impact their health and affect their ability to learn in school.

Swaddled newborn baby

Best Sleep Tips for Babies & New Parents

Getting enough quality sleep can be a challenge for newborn babies & their parents. Learn how to promote good sleep habits from day one.

A boy sleeping in bed

Top Tips to Help Teens Meet Their Changing Sleep Needs

One of the changes teens’ go through during puberty is a shift in the body’s natural sleep-wake cycle. Learn how to help your teens get better sleep.

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