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Prostate Cancer

Showing   of 6 results

How Cancer is Different for African Americans

How Cancer Is Different for African Americans

Getting cancer screenings at the recommended times is the key to both preventing cancer and detecting it early when it's most treatable.

Older man talking to doctor

When Is Active Surveillance the Right Choice for Prostate Cancer?

Prostate cancer does not always require immediate intervention. Learn when and why active surveillance might be a safe and appropriate treatment option.

P. Mandel Childs

A Crucial Catch Yields Lifelong Lesson

In an effort to promote prostate cancer screenings among Black men, high school teacher Mandel Childs shares his personal story of early detection and survival.

A team of doctors are performing surgery on a patient at hospital

8 Surgeries You Can Have and Go Home the Same Day

Newer, minimally invasive procedures have shortened recovery times and a growing number skip the hospital stay.

Group of men talking

New Research Shows Benefits of PSA Screening

The results of a recent study support the use of PSA screening in preventing advanced-stage prostate cancer and deaths from prostate cancer.

University Hospitals

Life after Prostate Cancer: Living in the Present Moment

Frank Benkalowycz, 56, sought a second opinion after being diagnosed with prostate cancer. He underwent treatment at UH Seidman Cancer Center and eventually became cancer-free. An optimist, beating cancer has only enhanced his perspective on life.

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