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Obesity Risk

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Woman smiling at herself in the mirror

The Immediate Health Benefits of Losing Weight

Carrying extra weight can greatly impact your overall health. Learn how dropping even a few pounds can reduce your risk for many diseases and disorders.

Portrait of a happy fit couple standing

Obesity in Men vs. Women

Until recently, about 80 percent of patients undergoing bariatric surgery have been women. But that is changing. How each gender views their bodies and obesity.

Mother putting daughter to bed

Getting Good Sleep May Help Children Avoid Adult Obesity

A study suggests that children and pre-teens who don’t get enough sleep gain more weight as adults and are at higher risk to become overweight or obese.

Vegetables and nuts atop a digital scale

Can Counting Calories Help Me to Lose Weight?

Whether you view calorie-counting as a math problem, a way to gain or lose weight or a waste of time, the number of calories you consume every day matters. Here's how to make it work for you.

food and doctor

Which Diet Is Best for Weight Loss?

One day, calories are the enemy. The next day, it’s carbs. No wonder people are confused about the best diet to lose weight. An expert weighs in on what really works.

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