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Jordan Winter, MD

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Illustration of leukocytes attacking cancer

Research: High Blood Sugar Makes Chemotherapy More Effective

The findings reveal a new way to treat cancer that would be low cost and could be easily tested in other patients with cancer.

Jordan Winter, MD attends The Walk to End Pancreatic Cancer with Beverly Leighton

Catching Pancreatic Cancer Early to Rewrite Her Story

Beverly Leighton had a strong family history of pancreatic cancer. Her decision to be proactive and begin yearly screenings at University Hospitals likely saved her life.

David Bajor, MD and George Miller

Clinical Trials Key to Survival for Pancreatic Cancer Patients

When 63-year-old George Miller experienced a 30-pound weight loss over a short period of time along with other severe symptoms, he knew something was wrong. Tests confirmed pancreatic cancer and George turned to University Hospitals for help.

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