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Jacob Wolf, ND

Showing   of 11 results

Close up of broccoli florets

8 Healthy Foods That Can Be Risky in Excess

A nutritious diet includes a wide variety of foods, but there are some that should be enjoyed in moderation to avoid harmful side effects.

 A variety of soda cans

Is Diet Soda a Healthy Choice?

For those trying to adopt a healthier lifestyle, diet soda might seem like a sensible option. Learn why artificial sweeteners may be more harmful than sugar.

Woman sticking her tongue out

What Your Tongue Can Reveal About Your Health

Doctors and dentists routinely examine the tongue because its appearance can reveal a surprising amount of information about your overall health.

Smiling Woman Holds Gummy

How Safe Is Marijuana for Medicinal Purposes?

With the legalization of marijuana in many states, more people are turning to the remedy for its medicinal benefits. But how safe is medicinal marijuana?

Collage of walking coffee and organic produce images

Top 10 Nutrition & Exercise Questions Answered

Research related to nutrition and exercise is constantly changing. Learn the latest science-based recommendations for everything from coffee to steps-per-day.

A collage of food and beverages that are the subject of nutrition myths

How Much Water Do You Really Need? 14 Health Myths Debunked

There’s no shortage of conflicting information about nutrition and health. Do you need 10,000 steps, 8 glasses of water and a hearty breakfast every day? Learn what the science says about popular health advice.

woman pours milk into glass

Is Raw Milk Safe to Drink?

Raw milk consumption is gaining in popularity, but unpasteurized dairy products can carry dangerous pathogens linked to foodborne illnesses.

A variety of calcium rich foods

Should You Take a Daily Calcium Supplement?

Although it’s best to get nutrients from food, many diets lack adequate calcium - a mineral that is essential for bone, muscle and nerve health.

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