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Heart Surgery

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Brothers Clifford and Ricky Stackpole

Faster Response Leads to Faster Recovery After Heart Attack

Two brothers learn the importance of seeking help right away if you suspect a heart attack after they both experience one on the same weekend.

Stuart Smith on Mount Greylock, the highest point in Massachusetts

HCM Patient Returns to Hiking the Appalachian Trail

Just a few months after open-heart surgery, Stuart O. Smith, Jr., has his stamina and strength back – and is living his life to the fullest, doing the activities he loves.

Cecilia Zarobila celebrating her 102nd birthday

Coronary Bypass Surgery Patient Celebrates Her 102nd Birthday

Cecilia Zarobila of Cleveland celebrated her 102nd birthday with the UH physician and medical team who have helped keep her alive and well for so long.

Fay Porter stands beside an indoor swimming pool

Heart Valve Repair Gives Senior Swimmer Several More Laps

Fay Porter, 94, is grateful to her care team at UH for the successful repair of a heart defect that helped her get back to enjoying an active life.

Kelly Rizer and her husband

A Heart Healed

Thanks to the care Kelly Rizer received with University Hospitals Harrington Heart & Vascular Institute, she experienced both life-saving heart surgery and her wedding within a short period of time.

A team of doctors are performing surgery on a patient at hospital

8 Surgeries You Can Have and Go Home the Same Day

Newer, minimally invasive procedures have shortened recovery times and a growing number skip the hospital stay.

Joe Timko in his garden on a sunny day

A Rejuvenated Heart

Joe Timko figured he was just growing old, with a persistent heaviness in his chest that left him feeling sluggish. He didn’t realize he had atrial fibrillation (AFib), the most common heart rhythm disorder.

Georgia’s birthday cake

Heart Patient at UH Harrington Heart & Vascular Celebrates 104th Birthday

A woman who had aortic valve replacement surgery at University Hospitals Harrington Heart & Vascular Institute 10 years ago celebrates her 104th birthday.

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