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Heart Failure

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Lela Glass smiles outdoors

Implantable Device Can Improve Cardiac Function in Heart Failure Patients

An innovative therapy called cardiac contractility modulation can improve symptoms of heart failure for patients like Lela Glass.

How Heart Disease Affects the Kidneys

The heart and kidneys share a special, life-sustaining connection, so that what’s good or bad for one is generally good or bad for the other.

Stacey Mazzurco and DeAnn Bartram

Genetic Testing Helps Woman Beat Inherited Cardiomyopathy

Heart patient DeAnn Bartram has a good prognosis after genetic testing helps identify her hereditary arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy – a condition that claimed the lives of her two sisters.

Carmen Darien with Dr. Eiran Gorodeski

From Nursing Student to Needing Nursing

Myocarditis patient Carmen Darien recovers after being placed on veno-arterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenatio, or ECMO.

Christine Rand stands with Elizabeth Prahst, RN outside UH Parma Medical Center

Nurse Navigator Guides Patients in Managing Heart Failure To Reduce Readmissions

When two chronic conditions collided to land Christine Rand in the hospital, a special nurse navigator was waiting to guide her back to health – and keep her from returning.

Teresa Harrison poses with Brenda Cooper, MD

Beating Cancer and Heart Failure with a “One-Two” Punch

Teresa Harrison defeated two types of cancer and congestive heart failure with the help of UH cardio-oncology experts. Learn more about the journey that restored her health.

The Read Family, pictured in 2004

One Family – Nineteen Open Heart Surgeries

Louise Read and five of her seven children have required surgeries to remove heart tumors called mxyomas. Although pathologically benign, the tumor can grow and obstruct blood flow in the heart so the family is screened annually.

Larry Sekula poses with Michael Zacharias, DO

Heart Transplant Gives Man a Second Chance at Life

After a decade of treatments for serious heart issues, 68-year-old Larry Sekula had run out of options - he needed a new heart. And, just 19 days after being placed on the UH transplant list, he got one.

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