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Donna Plecha, MD

Showing   of 5 results

Microscopic view of cancer cells

Should You Get Cancer Screenings Earlier?

Cancer research provides the basis for when and how often to screen to save the most lives, while minimizing risks.


How Radiology Helps Diagnose and Treat Disease

Advances made in recent years has improved the imaging technology used to see inside the body and treat disease. Learn more about radiology and its vital role in the overall treatment process.


The Best Way to Survive Breast Cancer: Catch It Early

One-eighth of all U.S. women will be diagnosed with breast cancer. It's the most common cancer in women, and is the second deadliest cancer for women, surpassed only by lung cancer. Learn how you can virtually guarantee surviving this disease.

Do Breast Self-Exams Pass the Test?

Are Monthly Breast Self-Exams Necessary?

Evidence is growing that there are more effective ways to detect breast cancer early than a monthly breast self-exam.

doctor and patient talking

Which Type of Mammogram is Right For You?

For years, the two-dimensional mammogram has been the gold standard screening too proven to lower breast cancer deaths and illness rates. In recent years, another powerful tool has become available: the 3-D mammogram.

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