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Dietary supplements

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Are Energy Drinks More Harmful Than Coffee?

Caffeinated energy drinks have become increasingly popular, particularly among young adults and adolescents. But are they a healthier choice over coffee?

Group of food with high content of dietary fiber arranged side by side

What to Eat for Better Gut Health

You can improve gut health with the food choices you make and benefit your overall health.

Woman sprinkling salt on an egg cooking in a frying pan.

Salt Substitutes: A Healthy Alternative to the Real Thing?

Substitutes for table salt have been around for decades. But are they a healthy alternative to the real thing?

Plate with eggs, beans and meat

Choline in Pregnancy Supports Baby's Brain Development

Choline is an often overlooked nutrient that is essential during pregnancy to help with the baby’s development and can provide cognitive benefits into childhood and beyond.

Sportsman putting protein powder in shaker after working out

Sports Nutrition Supplements: Do They Work?

There’s no shortage of dietary supplements designed to enhance athletic and exercise performance. But which ones are proven to work?

couple drinking water

4 Healthier Alternatives to Energy Drinks

Not all energy drinks are the same. Find out which ones can help, which ones to avoid, and learn about some healthy alternatives to sports drinks.

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