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Critical Care

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Rocco Greco stands outdoors on a sunny day

Patient Faces Life Post-COVID with Help from Post-ICU Recovery Clinic at University Hospitals

After receiving intensive care for COVID-19 complications, Rocco Greco is feeling better with the help of the Post-ICU Recovery Clinic at University Hospitals.

emergency room

Serious Symptoms? The ER Is Still the Best for Medical Emergencies

Many emergency departments, such as those at UH, have procedures in place to screen and separate COVID-19 patients to eliminate the risk of spreading the virus to staff and other patients.

Mom and toddler

Study: Antibiotics May Help Some Youngsters With Bronchiolitis Get Better Faster

A lung infection called bronchiolitis is the most common reason young children get admitted to the hospital. A research team led by doctors at UH Rainbow has new findings that may help doctors take care of the sickest children with this illness.

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