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Colon Cancer

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Dana Saunders Sr. poses with Ronald Charles, MD

Man Undergoes Surgery After Colonoscopy Detects Cancer

Dana Saunders, Sr., 61, knows from experience how important getting a colonoscopy screening is, especially if you have risk factors for colon cancer.

The lntera 3000 HAI Pump

Music to a Survivor’s Ears

Doctors orchestrate aggressive chemotherapy when colon cancer spreads to sound engineer’s liver.

Multigenerational Black Family

How Does Family History Affect Your Cancer Risk?

The more information you have about your family history of cancer, the better your doctor can help you understand, manage and reduce your cancer risk.

Man reading a newspaper on the toilet

Why Do People Avoid Colonoscopies?

Colon cancer is one of the few cancers that can actually be prevented through routine screenings. Yet many people still avoid getting tested. Why?

How to Prepare for a Colonoscopy

How to Prepare for a Colonoscopy

A colonoscopy is one of the best ways to help prevent and detect colon cancer. Your colon must be empty and clean for a successful procedure. Here’s how to make it go as smoothly as possible.

Ten Million Missed Cancer Screenings During the Pandemic

During the pandemic, many Americans have postponed their regular cancer screenings. Now is the time to get caught up.

male masked doctor talking with masked male patient over a white desk

Prep: The Most Important Thing You Can Do for Colonoscopy Success

If it’s time for your colonoscopy, it’s time for the prep. Everyone agrees: It’s not the most pleasant thing. But ensuring a good bowel prep is actually the most important thing you can do to make the colonoscopy a success.

Kate Lloyd at home

Cleveland Heights Woman Fights Colon Cancer and WINS

A family history and a trace of blood prompts 79 year-old Kate to get screened for colon cancer.

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