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CAR T-Cell Therapy

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Carroll “Buddy” Scoville and his wife Mickey at UH Geauga Medical Center

Rapid Rise to Cancer-Free Outcome

The first recipient of rapid novel CAR T-cell therapy was delighted by his treatment at UH.

Molly Gallogly, MD, PhD examines Jack Boyle at University Hospitals Seidman Cancer Center

Calling Out the CAR T Troops

University Hospitals creates innovative immunotherapy onsite to help patients’ own bodies fight cancer.

Cory and family with Jignesh Dalal, MD

A Special Connection: Team Approach Helps Autistic Cancer Patient

After months of treatment for 22-year-old Cory Neff’s acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) were unsuccessful, he was transferred to UH Rainbow for specialized care and an innovative immunotherapy treatment.

red cancer cells on blue surface

Therapy for Multiple Myeloma Has New Approach With One-Time Treatment

The therapy is used when the standard treatment for multiple myeloma – a combination of chemotherapy, radiation therapy and/or stem cell transplant – is no longer effective.

Microscopic image of T-cell

Harnessing the Power of the Body’s Immune System to Fight Cancer

With recent advancements in the field of immunotherapy, doctors now can offer some patients new hope in their cancer treatment. Learn more about CAR T-cell therapy.

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