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A young girl sitting on sofa, feeling bad and suffering from dry cough

Is It Just a Cough – Or Childhood Asthma?

A cough here, a wheeze there. Most children have respiratory illnesses every now and then. But for one in 12 kids, these symptoms are a sign of something more significant: childhood asthma.

A woman taking her inhaler at home at the living room

How Stress Makes Asthma Worse

Learn about stress-induced asthma and how you can break the cycle of common triggers and flare-ups.


Half of Kids With Severe Asthma May Grow Out of It

Results of this new study provide evidence for the idea that some of these patients can “outgrow” their severe asthma while on proper treatment.

young child blowing his nose

Still Sneezing? Fall Doesn't Mean the End of Allergy Season

Is your family ready to say goodbye to seasonal allergies now that spring and summer have passed? Not so fast. Unfortunately, for many, the approaching autumn doesn’t mean relief from sneezing. Instead, it marks a new array of allergy triggers.

vocal cord dysfunction

How Vocal Cord Dysfunction Is Different From Asthma

If you have vocal cord dysfunction, the vocal cords close whenyou breathe in, blocking most air flow and causing shortness of breath, which is classically confused with asthma.


COVID-19 and Asthma: What You Need to Know

The coronavirus pandemic is scary for all people, but for those with asthma, many fear they will have a worse outcome or be more likely to get COVID-19. Learn more about what people with asthma should -- and should not -- do.

asthma triggers

Don't Let Triggers of Summer Asthma Keep Your Youngster Down

Summer is prime time for asthma triggers such as grass pollen and smog. Learn how to manage your child's summer allergies and asthma.

vocal cord dysfunction

Think You Have Asthma? It Might Be Vocal Cord Dysfunction

People with vocal cord dysfunction (VCD) often think they have asthma because the symptoms and triggers can be similar. Worse, people have both VCD and asthma. Learn the difference between these two conditions and what you should do.

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