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Colon Cancer

Showing   of 12 results

Getty image illustration of colorectal cancer

Research Team to Probe Mechanism Behind Metastatic Colorectal Cancer

Innovations in Cancer | August 2024

Getty image illustration of colorectal cancer

UH Seidman GI Oncologist Challenges the Colorectal Cancer Status Quo

Immunotherapy alone can achieve complete remission in select patients with colon and rectal cancer - Innovations in Cancer | February 2024

Colon cancer cell illustration Getty image

UH Seidman Team Innovates to Boost Targeted Therapy for Metastatic Colorectal Cancer

Power of IT will support greater communication and integration of effort - Innovations in Cancer | Fall 2023

Mohammed Mazumber, MD UH Gastroenterolgist at UH Geauga

UH Geauga Gastroenterologist Tireless in Spreading the Word About Colorectal Cancer Screening

UH Clinical Update | Summer 2023

UH Digestive Health Institute Update

Innovations in Digestive Health |Fall 2022

A sessile serrated adenoma (highlighted by green box) that was picked up by the AI module but not seen by the endoscopist

University Hospital Receives Additional GI Genius™ AI Modules for Endoscopy Screening

Innovations in Digestive Health | Fall 2022

Colon cancer cell illustration Getty image

UH Cleveland Medical Center Exploring New Way to Treat Metastatic Colorectal Cancer

Oncologists use immunotherapy to treat certain types of cancers with good success. However, to date, these therapies have not been as effective for the majority of patients with colorectal cancer - Innovations in Digestive Health | Winter 2022

Marathon Run to Support Pioneering Genomic Research into Signet Ring Colon Cancer

Joseph Willis, MD, a member of the Signet Ring Colon Cancer Research Group at UH Seidman Cancer Center will be running the Rite Aid Cleveland Marathon on Saturday, May 16th to raise funds for this innovative program. Support the Signet Ring...

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