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Joseph Willis, MD

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Getty image illustration of colorectal cancer

Research Team to Probe Mechanism Behind Metastatic Colorectal Cancer

Innovations in Cancer | August 2024


EsoCheck™ & EsoGuard™: Revolutionary Invention Transforms Esophageal Cancer Diagnostics

Amitabh Chak, MD, Sanford Markowitz, MD, PhD, and Joseph Willis, MD, explain the journey of EsoCheck™ and EsoGuard™, an incredible bench to bedside diagnostic discovery to detect Barrett's esophagus and prevent esophageal cancer.

Group at UH Leading Pioneering Genomic Research into Signet Ring Colon Cancer

Philanthropic support from a patient’s family foundation enables creation of national sample archive - Innovations in Cancer - Winter 2019

UH Seidman Cancer Center Building Entrance.

Genomics for the Next Generation

New approach at UH Seidman Cancer Center simplifies testing, integrates genomics information with other complex tests    Innovations in Cancer - Winter 2016 Download PDF  Joseph Willis, MD  Christopher Hoimes, MD  Afshin Dowlati, MD ...

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