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Medical Education

Showing   of 29 results


Residents Find University Hospitals a Rich Training Ground

Complex cases, high volumes, inclusive culture make UH’s academic medical center a perfect place for residency, fellowships

UH HHVI live OR filming

From Our Cath Labs & ORs to the World

UH Harrington Heart & Vascular Institute Update | September/October 2023

Alex Huang, MD and Kristin VanHeyst DO at Hyundai event at Rainobw

Passion to Cures: Mentor – Mentee Power Duo

UH Research & Education Update | September 2023

UH faculty Promotion Celebration event table tent

Celebrations and Support of UH Faculty Career Advancement

UH Research & Education Update | September 2023

HSR Program attendees 2023

15 Clinicians Graduate from Inaugural UH Certificate in Foundations of Health Services Research Program

UH Research & Education Update | August 2023

Doctor talking with male patient

R. Brian Denton, PsyD, Joins UH Urology Institute, Enhancing Integrated, Patient-Centered Care

Innovations in Urology | Summer 2023

CWRU medical student during 2023 match day

Congratulations to our Medical Students who Matched!

UH Research & Education Update | May 2023

Marjorie Greenfield, MD

Celebrations and Support of UH Faculty Career Advancement

UH Research & Education Update | Qtr 2023 By Marjorie Greenfield, MD As Career Development and Advancement Officer for University Hospitals, I am thankful to work with leaders who are committed to recognizing and celebrating faculty...

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