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UH Innovations

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3D Printed Tracheal T-tube

University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center Implants First-in-Human Patient-Specific 3D Printed Tracheal T-tube

Patient’s care team received compassionate use from the FDA

Silpa Kilaru, MD

Improving Patient Outcomes After Lung Transplantation

Innovations in Pulmonology, Critical Care & Sleep Medicine | Summer 2024

New Treatment for Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension

Innovations in Pulmonology, Critical Care & Sleep Medicine | Summer 2024

Simplifying Cystic Fibrosis Therapy Leads To Cost Savings And Reduced Treatment Burden

Innovations in Pulmonology Critical Care & Sleep Medicine | Summer 2024

Getty image illustration depicting enlarged prostate

University Hospitals Urology Institute Among Leaders in Minimally Invasive Treatment for Enlarged Prostate

Innovations in Urology | Summer 2024

Getty image of prostate cancer concept

Advancing Understanding and Treatment of Prostate Cancer

Innovations in Urology | Summer 2024

Drs. Lopez and Moldes UH pediatric urologists

Pediatric Urology Surgery with Compassion

A holistic approach to healthcare delivery - Innovations in Urology | Summer 2024

illustration showing a stroke

Redefining Stroke Therapy: A Paradigm Shift Across the Globe

Amrou Sarraj, MD explains how the results of the Select2 clinical trial are changing how stroke patients should be treated and benefit through thrombectomies.

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