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Showing   of 19 results

Getty image depicting geriatric psychiatry

UH Geriatric Psychiatry Program Serves Needs of Complex Older Adults

UH Clinical Update | June 2024

Susan Hatters_Friedman, MD Psychiatry

UH Forensic Psychiatrist Wins National Award, Honored for Contributions to the Field

UH Clinical Update | December 2023

Martha Sajatovic, MD Psychiatry

UH Psychiatrist Honored for International Coalition to Better Understand Bipolar Disorder in Older Adults

UH Clinical Update | September 2023

Concept of focal seizure and human brain

Neuropsychiatric Research Advances Self-Management Programs for Neurological Disorders

Martha Sajatovic, MD explains how her research has led to a self-management program for patients with epilepsy and science to service models for other neurological conditions.

research Stigma illustraiton

Targeting Stigma and Hesitancy to Participate in Research Among Patients with Neurological Disorders

Innovations in Neurology & Neurosurgery| Winter 2023

Huntington's Disease Clinic at University Hospitals Offers Needed Expertise

Multidisciplinary approach sets it apart - UH Clinical Update | August 2022

Jeffrey Janata, PhD, UH Psychology

Medical Psychologist Dedicates His Life to Helping People in Pain

Jeffrey Janata, PhD

Felipe Amunategui, PhD

Physician Spotlight: Felipe Amunategui PhD, UH Child Psychology

University Hospitals mental health provider in focus | May 2021

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