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NIH Grant

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Getty image of premie baby in NICU on oxygen therapy

UH Neonatologist Wins NIH Funding to Develop Therapy for Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia

Innovations in Pediatrics | Summer 2024

environmental factors with cardiovascular health

Exploring the Effects of Policy and Environmental Factors on Health Outcomes

Sanjay Rajagopalan, MD discusses how historical government policies impact health outcomes more than 90 years later and the need to understand external and internal environments to transform the delivery of healthcare.

John Letterio, MD Pediatric Hematology Oncology Division Chief

NCI Funds UH Rainbow Team to Study Drug Aimed at Protecting Cancer Patients from Treatment-Related Brain Effects

Innovations in Pediatrics | Summer 2023

Radiotherpay cell illustration

Novel Clinical Trial to Test Combining Successful Drugs for Metastatic Breast Cancer with Radiation Therapy to Treat Women with Less Severe Disease

Project at UH Seidman Cancer Center part of first-ever SPORE grant awarded by the NIH for radiotherapy-UH Clinical Update | December 2022

Getty image lung cancer cell division

CWRU and UH Researchers Secure $4 Million in NCI Funding to Investigate Relationships between HIV and Lung Cancer in East Africa

News Release

$6M, 5-year NIH grant extends funding for collaborative Cleveland Digestive Diseases Research Core Center

CWRU News Release

Case Western Reserve University and University Hospitals Infectious Diseases Researcher Awarded NIH Contract to Accelerate TB Vaccine Development

$30M contract will establish TB immunology research centers across the country - Press Release

Accelerating Alzheimer's Disease Research

UH joins other healthcare leaders to advance dementia diagnosis and care - Innovations in Neurology & Neurosurgery | Fall 2019

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