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Getty image of premie baby in NICU on oxygen therapy

UH Neonatologist Wins NIH Funding to Develop Therapy for Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia

Innovations in Pediatrics | Summer 2024

Getty image depicting baby safe sleeping in crib

Multifaceted QI Initiative in UH Rainbow NICU Promotes Safe Sleep

Innovations in Pediatrics | Summer 2024

Physician Scientist Carries on Legacy of UH Rainbow in Neonatal Care

Cynthia Bearer, MD, explains how her groundbreaking research on fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, lipid rafts, and brain development in preterm babies aims to improve neonatal care.

UHRBC NICU baby with mother

UH Rainbow Babies & Children's NICU Innovates to Drive Quality

Quality improvement curriculum, new roles and going beyond what’s required for success - Innovations in Pediatrics | Winter 2022

Dr. Richard Martin and wife for UH Giving article

Passionate about University Hospitals

UH Alumnus and the 2021 Distinguished Physician Award Honoree, Dr. Richard Martin gives back | December 2021

Image of premie with brochopulmonary dysplasia

UH Rainbow Researchers Identify New Therapeutic Target for Treating or Preventing Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia in Preterm Infants

GSNOR is also being targeted in clinical trials of asthma and cystic fibrosis - Innovations in Pediatrics | Winter 2022

Richard Martin, MD Theradrift video screenshot

What is Therapeutic Drift and Why it is Dangerous in Newborn Care

Innovations in Pediatrics - Fall 2021

Image of premie infant

First-in-Country Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting for Opioid-Exposed Infants at UH Rainbow

UH Rainbow only site in the U.S. using next-generation imaging in study of infants with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome - Innovations in Pediatrics | Fall 2021

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