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Innovations In Digestive Health | Fall 2018

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Using Radiomics to Improve Crohn's Disease Treatment

How science and technology are helping clinicians predict treatment for Crohn's patients

A Message from John Dumot, DO, Director, UH Digestive Health Institute

UH Innovations in Digestive Health – Fall 2018 Pancreatic cancer accounts for about 3 percent of all cancers, but it’s now the third-leading cause of cancer death in the United States. Its prevalence has risen by about 0.5 percent annually for...

New UH Chief of the Division of Surgical Oncology to Build on Vision for Innovation and Expansion

UH Innovations in Digestive Health - Fall 2018  Jordan Winter, MD Jordan Winter, MD, accepted the offer to join University Hospitals for many reasons: The leadership role. The opportunity to work alongside surgical oncology experts. And...

New Barrett's Esophagus Screening Method in Development

EsoCheck offers a simple, affordable solution to support early diagnosis UH Innovations in Digestive Health - Fall 2018  Amitabh Chak, MD A little over a year ago, Amitabh Chak, MD, Gastroenterologist, UH Digestive Health Institute, UH Cleveland...

Suppressing Inflammation in IBD Patients

UH Digestive Health Institute explores new IBD treatment using IL-1 targeted therapy UH Innovations in Digestive Health - Fall 2018  Fabio Cominelli, MD For 25 years, researchers have studied interleukin-1 (IL-1), a highly active proinflammatory...

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