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Innovations In Cardiovascular Medicine & Surgery | Spring 2017

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University Hospitals Introduces Exercise MRI

High-Resolution images can predict previously undetectable abnormalities - Harrington Heart & Vascular Institute Innovations | Spring 2017

KLF Knowledge

New $6.7 million NIH grant seeks to explain role of key transcription factors in age-related ccardiovascular disease - Harrington Heart & Vascular Institute Innovations | Spring 2017

Surgical Solutions

New Surgical Chair Joseph F. Sabik, MD, brings extensive experience with minimally invasive mitral valve procedures to University Hospitals - Harrington Heart & Vascular Institute Innovations | Spring 2017

Ohio's First Fetal Heart Procedure Performed at UH Rainbow Babies & Children's Hospital

Specialists collaborate on an aortic valvuloplasty on 29-week old fetus - Harringtonton Heart & Vascular Institute Innovations | Spring 2017

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