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Innovations in Cardiovascular Medicine & Surgery Fall 2023

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VIAFORT stent source Karen Harth, MD

Innovations in Venous Care

Innovations in Cardiovascular Medicine & Surgery | Fall 2023

Figure of LAAC for AF HCM

LAAC Effective for Patients with HCM and AF New University Hospitals Study Shows

Innovations in Cardiovascular Medicine & Surgery | Fall 2023

AtriClip device

University Hospitals Recruiting Patients for LeAPPS Prophylactic Stroke Reduction Trial

Innovations in Cardiovascular Medicine & Surgery | Fall 2023

LimFlow procedure pre and post results

University Hospitals Team Treats Case of No-Option CLTI with “Off-the-Shelf” Percutaneous Deep Vein Arterialization

Patient faced the prospect of a second major amputation - Innovations in Cardiovascular Medicine & Surgery | Fall 2023

Getty image of coronary artery of heart

Coronary CTO Program at University Hospitals Outperforms National Averages

Innovations in Cardiovascular Medicine & Surgery | Fall 2023

William Yoon, MD Caridiology

University Hospitals Vascular Surgeon Bolsters Case for Evaluating European Dissection Specific Stent Graft

Research shows differences in wall shear stress created by the novel device design crucial explanatory factor in better patient outcomes - Innovations in Cardiovascular Medicine & Surgery | Fall 2023

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