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In The Spotlight

Showing   of 31 results

Adonis Hijaz, MD Urology

A Conversation with University Hospitals' Adonis Hijaz, MD

Female urology specialist at University Hospitals Urology Institute - UH Research & Education Update | January 2022

A Conversation with Dr. Charles Macias

UH Research & Education Update | September 2021

Joshua Napora, MD

Caring for Patients on Their Worst Days

Physician Highlight: Joshua Napora, MD - Innovations in Orthopaedics | Summer 2021

Sanjay Rajagopalan, MD

A Conversation with Dr. Sanjay Rajagopalan

UH Research & Education Update | June 2021

Tiffany Hodges, MD

Physician Highlight: Tiffany Hodges, MD

Mentoring the next generation – Innovations in Neurology & Neurosurgery | Summer 2021

Felipe Amunategui, PhD

Physician Spotlight: Felipe Amunategui PhD, UH Child Psychology

University Hospitals mental health provider in focus | May 2021

Thomas Scheidemantel, MD, UH Psychiatry

Physician Spotlight: Thomas Scheidemantel, MD, UH Psychiatry

University Hospitals mental health provider in focus | May 2021

Image of doctors reviewing brain scan

In the Spotlight: UH Multiple Sclerosis and Neuroimmunology Program

Multidisciplinary program focuses on personalized treatment to improve patients’ quality of life, manage symptoms - Innovations in Neurology & Neurosurgery | Winter 2021

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