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Healthcare disparities

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Samudragupta Bora, PhD

New Health Services Research Center at University Hospitals Aims to Accelerate Translation of Evidence into Practice

Innovations in Pediatrics | Summer 2024

environmental factors with cardiovascular health

Exploring the Effects of Policy and Environmental Factors on Health Outcomes

Sanjay Rajagopalan, MD discusses how historical government policies impact health outcomes more than 90 years later and the need to understand external and internal environments to transform the delivery of healthcare.

Infusion Center

Safety Net in Jeopardy for Both Patients and Hospitals

May 2023

Cancer malignant cells

Community-Engaged Research Combats Breast Cancer and Prostate Cancer

Cynthia Owusu, MD and Randy Vince, MD discuss how they help improve the social determinants of health and health disparities for African American men and women with prostate and breast cancers.

heart diagram

Balanced, Healthier Lives with the Science of CINEMA

Sadeer Al-Kindi, MD and Ian Neeland, MD discuss CINEMA, a center of excellecence that advances clinical excellence, promotes team science, and impacts the standard of care for patients with cardiometabolic disease.

Diversity heart hands

Pandemic Dramatically Worsens Racial Disparities in Heart Disease Deaths, UH Study Finds

UH Clinical Update | January 2023

Sadeer Al-Kindi, MD

1930s 'Redlining' Connected to Poor Health Outcomes Today

New study from UH Harrington Heart & Vascular Institute shows link between historical redlining and increase in contemporary cardiometabolic health risk factors

Luke Rothermel, MD UH Surgical oncology

The Case for Screening Surgery Patients for Low Health Literacy

New study finds low health literacy lengthens hospital stays and increases use of post-acute resources for cancer surgery patients, but has potential for mitigation with early identification and intervention - UH Clinical Update | April 2022

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