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Clinical Trials

Showing   of 97 results

Brain scan indicating Prion disease

UH is First Site Activated in Groundbreaking Global Prion Disease Treatment Trial

Innovations in Neurology & Neurosurgery | Summer 2024

CAR T cell therapy in UH Wesley Center laboratory

Multiple Myeloma Patients at UH Seidman Cancer Center Have New Immunotherapy Option

BAFF CAR T has important advantage for these patients - Innovations in Cancer | July 2024

Ian Neeland, MD UH Cardiology

UH Harrington Heart & Vascular Institute Preventive Cardiologist Leading Studies and Guidelines on Implementation of GLP-1s

Innovations in Cardiovascular Medicine & Surgery | June 2024

Amrou Sarraj, MD

International Research Led by UH Physician-Scientist Shows Endovascular Thrombectomy Benefits Patients with Large Strokes, Paradigm Shift to Support Greater Use of EVT for Improved Outcomes

UH Research & Education Update | June 2024

Guillherme Attizzani, MD interventional cardiologist

UH Interventional Cardiologist Publishes Important New Findings on Women’s Heart Health in the New England Journal of Medicine

Innovations in Cardiovascular Medicine & Surgery | June 2024

Lung Brochi illustration

Employing Viruses to Treat Bacterial Infections

Innovations in Pulmonology, Critical Care & Sleep Medicine | Winter 2024

Getty image of young African American cancer patient with IV pole

Making a Difference in Pediatric Cancer and Blood Disorders

Basic research, clinical trials all in the mix - Innovations in Pediatrics | Winter 2024

Long covid illustration

First Long COVID Clinical Trials Now Open at UH

UH Clinical Update | February 2024

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