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The First Step Toward a Better Night’s Sleep

Patients referred for comprehensive sleep consults will have at least one consultation, in the sleep clinic with our sleep specialist. Each consult will include a medical and surgical history. Some patients may also have pulmonary function testing (PFT) and blood work ordered. After consultation with the sleep specialist, each patient is diagnosed. In some cases one visit is sufficient for a diagnosis to be made and a treatment plan formulated. In most cases the treatment plan will involve a diagnostic sleep study.

Types of sleep studies we offer at UH include:

How to Prepare for a Sleep Study

For your own comfort and to yield a high quality study, we recommend:

  • Bathe and shampoo hair prior to arrival at the center. This will remove hair products, oils, makeup, etc. from skin and hair that could interfere with testing. Please remove nail polish. Men should also shave prior to arrival.
  • Avoid alcohol, caffeine and non-prescription drugs on the day of test.
  • Take your prescription medications as usual with the exception of sleep medication, unless directed by your physician to do so. You may bring over-the-counter medication such as Tylenol, Zantac, nasal decongestants, etc. These medications will not be provided for you.
  • Avoid napping on the day of the study.
  • Eat an evening meal as usual.

Items to bring:

  • List of medications you are currently taking (both prescription and over-the-counter)
  • Loose fitting pajamas (A robe and slippers are also recommended.)
  • Personal hygiene items
  • Your own pillows (optional but allowed)

Please inform the sleep technician if you have any special needs.

Note: Smoking will not be allowed and family members cannot remain in the testing area unless they are accompanying a minor child undergoing sleep testing.

What Happens During an In-Lab Sleep Study?

If required, an in-lab sleep study may be performed during a period of one or two nights. Rarely, daytime studies will be required and may be suggested by the sleep specialist. Hospitalization is not required, and most overnight tests are completed by 6 a.m.

During a sleep study, the patient is monitored by painless, noninvasive technology. Sleep labs diagnose sleep disorders by closely monitoring the physiological signs exhibited during the different stages of sleep. These measurements include:

  • Airflow monitoring
  • Brain wave activity
  • Heart rhythm
  • Pulse oximetry to check oxygen status
  • Muscle tone/activity

Sleep Disorder Treatments

After evaluation, the appropriate therapy is determined. Treatment for a sleep disorder may include:

  • Use of a device to aid the patient's breathing while sleeping – such as continuous positive airway pressure therapy (CPAP), bilevel positive airway pressure (BiPAP) or other PAP devices
  • Dental appliance to help patient's breathing during sleep
  • Inspire therapy
  • Light therapy
  • Neuropsychiatric interventions

If indicated, referral to or consultations with other specialists might be recommended to aid in diagnosis and therapy.

Make an Appointment

Your health is important. Get expert care.

216-844-REST (216-844-7378)

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UH offers convenient sleep study locations throughout Northeast Ohio.

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Physician and other provider services not included.