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Positive Airway Pressure Titration Study

As a result of your initial sleep study (PSG), you may be diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), and may be sent by back to the sleep center for another sleep study with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) or bi-level positive airway pressure (BiPAP). These forms of therapy are the most effective and widely used methods of treating sleep apnea.

What to Expect

While asleep, this system gently delivers air into your airway through a specially designed mask which fits over the nose or mouth, thereby creating enough pressure to keep the airway open and produce immediate relief from sleep apnea and snoring. Most people find they get used to this apparatus after a few minutes and have little difficulty sleeping with it in place. It is important to note that the CPAP or BiPAP does not breathe for the person, but instead splint the upper airway open with room air, allowing the person to breathe on their own without having to fight any obstructions in the airway that were previously a barrier to normal breathing during sleep. At the beginning of a CPAP/BiPAP study sensors are applied to your body as they were for the polysomnogram and again brain waves, eye movements, muscle tone, breathing patterns and blood oxygen levels are monitored. Before you fall asleep; the sleep technologist will fit you with the nasal or oral PAP mask.

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216-844-REST (216-844-7378)

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