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Our Current Trainees: Training Program In Musculoskeletal Research

Predoctoral Trainees

  • Ivana Cuberovic, BS
    Department: Biomedical Engineering
    Research Project: Restoring proprioception through electrical stimulation of nerves
    Mentor: Dustin Tyler, PhD
  • Brian Fort, BS
    Department: Pathology/Immunology
    Research Project: The role of extracellular ATP in loosening of orthopaedic implants.
    Mentor: Ed Greenfield, PhD
  • Beatriz Ibarra, MS
    Department: Biology
    Research Project: Wnt signaling in mesenchymal specification
    Mentor: Radhika Atit, PhD
  • Greg Learn, BS
    Department: Biomedical Engineering
    Research Project: Physically induced nuclear elongation as a determinant of stem cell fate
    Mentor: Ozan Akkus, PhD

Postdoctoral Trainees

  • Edgardo Rivera-Delgado, PhD
    Department: Biomedical Engineering
    Research Project: Validating an osteoarthritis drug delivery platform with sustained delivery and capacity for reloading
    Mentor: Horst von Recum, PhD
  • William Samsa, PhD (postdoc)
    Department: Orthopaedics
    Research Project: The crucial role of Jab1 in bone formation and osteosarcoma pathogenesis
    Mentor: Guang Zhou, PhD
  • Victoria Webster-Wood, PhD
    Department: Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
    Research Project: The Role of Substrate Topography Induced Nuclear Elongation on Tenogenic Differentiation and Transforming Growth Factor 1 and 3 Response of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells
    Mentor: Ozan Akkus, PhD