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Cornea Image Analysis Reading Center

Established in 1989 at Case Western Reserve University and University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center, the Cornea Image Analysis Reading Center (CIARC) - formerly the Specular Microscopy Reading Center (SMRC) - has participated in numerous corporate and federal clinical studies (Cornea Donor Study and Cornea Preservation Time Study) requiring standardized determination of corneal endothelial cell density and morphology [coefficient of variation (CV) and % of hexagonal cells (HEX)] from specular and confocal images, corneal thickness across corneal layers by OCT, as well as qualitative and quantitative assessment of the corneal epithelium, the sub-basal nerve plexus, and stroma (e.g. cellular density, thickness, reflectivity) from confocal and OCT images. In addition, the CIARC performs qualitative and quantitative assessments from external eye and slit lamp images including corneal staining and pharmaceutical impact on lashes and iris color.

CIARC Capabilities

The capabilities of the CIARC include collection and analyses of images pre-, during and post-study intervention.

CIARC Publications

The CIARC has a rich, 30-year history of publications.

The CIARC is governed by the University Hospitals Institutional Review Board, which is fully accredited by the Association for the Accreditation of Human Research Protection Programs. Our staff follows the regulations set forth by Good Clinical Practices, International Conference on Harmonization, Department of Health and Human Services, and Food and Drug Administration regulations.

CIARC Leadership

The CIARC is a shared resource of University Hospitals and its academic partner, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine. The CIARC is led by Medical Director Jonathan Lass, MD, Charles I Thomas Professor in the CWRU Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, and University Hospitals Eye Institute, and Scientific Director Beth Ann Benetz, CRA, FOPS, Professor of Ophthalmology in the CWRU Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences.

Contact Us for More Information

Jonathan Lass, MD

CIARC Medical Director

Beth Ann Benetz, CRA, FOPS

Scientific Director, CIARC