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Coordinated and Comprehensive Treatment for Spinal Cord Compression

University Hospitals offers a coordinated and comprehensive treatment program that can eliminate the pain, weakness and numbness of spinal compression while increasing your quality of life.

Our highly trained and skilled spine specialists work with a broad multidisciplinary care team to diagnose the causes of your spinal cord compression and then determine the optimal treatment path of supportive care or surgery.

What Causes Spinal Cord Compression?

As your spinal cord travels down your back, it is protected by backbones called vertebrae. Any condition that puts pressure on your spinal cord causes spinal cord compression.

Gradual wear and tear on the spinal bones, called osteoarthritis, is the most common cause of spinal cord compression and is usually seen in patients who are 50 or older. However, spinal cord compression can occur at any age as a result of:

Multidisciplinary Approach to Spinal Cord Compression Care

At University Hospitals, we take great pride in our multidisciplinary approach to treating patients with spinal cord compression. If you trust us to care for your spinal cord compression, you will benefit from the expertise and experience of the following healthcare professionals:

  • Orthopaedic surgeons
  • Arthritis specialists
  • Physical therapists
  • Nerve specialists

Conservative Measures Resolve Most Spinal Cord Compression Cases

The spinal cord compression symptoms you experience along with the cause of this issue will dictate the treatment plan we recommend. Fortunately, the following conservative measures can resolve most cases of spinal cord compression:

  • Medications: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may relieve spinal cord pain and swelling.
  • Patient education: We’ll help you learn all about spinal cord compression and provide you with tips on how to manage it more effectively. Maintaining a healthy weight, exercising regularly and practicing good posture can all help.
  • Physical therapy: Our physical therapists can design an exercise routine to help you strengthen your back, abdominal and leg muscles as part of your spinal cord compression treatment. In addition, they can educate you on how to perform everyday activities more safely.
  • Steroid injections: Swelling can be reduced quickly with steroid injections.

Surgery is generally the last resort to spinal cord compression treatment. If you are a candidate for spine surgery, our surgeons will likely remove bone spurs and widen the spaces between your vertebrae. They may also stabilize your back by fusing vertebrae together in a minimally invasive spine fusion. Minimally invasive surgical options can decrease the time spent in surgery and the hospital while speeding your healing and recovery times.

Contact University Hospitals Spine Institute for Spinal Cord Compression Treatment

If you are living with the spinal pressure discomfort of spinal cord compression, reach out to our team of spine specialists. Call us today at 216-286-8888.