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Education and Resources for Patients with Esophageal Conditions

University Hospitals is pleased to offer the following downloadable brochures to help patients better understand their esophageal disorder and the diagnostic tests that may be available to them.


A minimally invasive procedure that can be done in the doctor’s office to collect esophageal cells for diagnostic testing. For some patients, this test can be done instead of an endoscopy.


A highly sensitive and accurate laboratory test used to diagnose Barrett’s Esophagus.

Upper Endoscopy

An upper endoscopy is often used to diagnose and treat esophageal disorders. Learn more about how and why this test is performed.

Preparing for Your Upper Endoscopy

As part of the diagnostic process, your doctor may order an upper endoscopy. Follow the preparation instructions exactly to ensure the most accurate results.

Your health is important. Get expert care.

To schedule an in-person or virtual consultation with a UH digestive health specialist, call 1-866-UH4-CARE.