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Lymphoma Treatment Center

At University Hospitals Seidman Cancer Center, our lymphoma specialists treat cancers of the lymphatic system, which is part of the body’s immune system. Taking a very specialized approach to care, the lymphoma team cares for patients of all ages from diagnosis through treatment, recovery and survivorship. One clinical team directs and follows each patient’s care, while in the hospital or at home. We provide care for both Hodgkin lymphoma and non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

A Personalized Approach

Rapid Rise to Cancer-Free Outcome

The first recipient of rapid novel CAR T-cell therapy is delighted by his treatment at UH.

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Many times a primary care physician or ENT (ear, nose and throat) specialist detects symptoms, including the enlargement of the lymph nodes, anemia or fatigue, and refers patients to the lymphoma specialists at UH Seidman Cancer Center. Our team determines or confirms the exact type of lymphoma through imaging or biopsies and then develops a targeted care plan for each patient’s unique needs.

Our dedicated team includes physician specialists, nurse navigators and nurse practitioners, all specialized in lymphoma-specific diagnosis and treatment. The same team takes care of each patient through every step of treatment, including stem cell transplant if necessary. We take a multidisciplinary approach to care, working together and reviewing every case as part of the hematologic malignancy tumor board. Because our team is focused only on lymphoma treatment and management, we understand the concerns of patients and their families, and are available to answer any questions.

Lymphoma Treatment

A personalized and integrated care plan is developed for each patient with input from all specialists, which can include dermatologists, gastroenterologists, neurologists and radiation oncologists. Integrated lymphoma treatment plans may include:

Stem Cell Therapy

Our stem cell transplant program has been offering advanced bone marrow, cord blood and stem cell transplant services for more than four decades. Our expert multidisciplinary team works together to develop individualized treatment plans for each patient, using the latest techniques to provide excellent care and achieve the best possible outcomes.

Targeted Treatment through Clinical Trials

With access to lymphoma-specific clinical trials, our team is able to target treatment based on the most recent innovations in lymphoma care for maximum results. Using these targeted therapies, we can provide access to new treatments that are safe and more tolerable for patients.

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