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Head & Neck Cancer

Head and Neck Cancer

University Hospitals Seidman Cancer Center is a nationally recognized innovator in the treatment of cancerous and noncancerous tumors of the head and neck. We utilize and develop advanced, innovative therapies for these types of cancers, bringing new hope to patients and their families.

Your health is important. Get expert care.

Offering in-person and virtual visits. Call 216-844-3951 to schedule an appointment today.

One of the Leading Head and Neck Cancer Hospitals in the Country

Patients treated at UH Seidman Cancer Center benefit from the expertise and experience from teams that treat more than half of the head and neck cancer patients in Northeast Ohio. Using a patient-centered, team-oriented approach for the best possible results, we pursue aggressive new treatments that are personalized for each patient. Other benefits of getting treatment at UH Seidman Cancer Center include:

  • Less invasive surgical techniques for shorter recovery times
  • Highly experienced rehabilitation teams
  • Proven reconstructive techniques to preserve quality of life
  • Access to promising clinical trials
Pierre Lavertu, MD, Director, Head & Neck Surgery and Oncology, UH Seidman Cancer Center

Head & Neck Surgery and Oncology

Watch to see how we provide Head & Neck cancer care.
John J. Letterio, MD speaking on the HPV vaccine

Why the HPV Vaccine is Important

The HPV Vaccine prevents about 30 percent of cancers in adults. John Letterio, MD, Division Chief, Pediatric Hematology and Oncology at University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospitals explains how this vaccine is a form of immunotherapy will allow us to eradicate many HPV-related cancers in our lifetime.

At UH Seidman Cancer Center, we leverage advanced diagnostics and therapies to provide the best care possible for adults and children with even the most complex and difficult head and neck tumors.

Visit our Diagnosis and Treatments page to learn more.

Helping Patients and Families Dealing with Head and Neck Cancer

At UH Seidman Cancer Center, ensuring patient wellness and providing support are integral facets of our standard of care. For example, we work hard to schedule our patients’ tests and treatments in the same area of the hospital and during the same appointment times whenever possible. Since dealing with financial issues can be burdensome, we also help families explore financial options.

To keep patients and their families educated and informed, our physicians take the time to explain all available treatment options and the potential risks involved. Prior to any procedure, our team of doctors meets with the patient to let him or her know exactly what to expect.

Get an Expert Second Opinion

A cancer diagnosis can be scary and potentially life-changing. Have confidence in your diagnosis and treatment options by getting a second opinion from a UH physician who specializes in head & neck cancer. Our experts will ensure you have all the information you need to make informed decisions about your medical care.

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Your health is important. Get expert care.

Offering in-person and virtual visits.


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Clinical Trials

UH Seidman Cancer Center researches new and innovative cancers treatments through clinical trials, including promising therapies for patients with head and neck tumors.