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Signet Ring Cell Cancer

Signet Ring Cell Cancer

University Hospitals Seidman Cancer Center provides personalized care and the latest treatment options for patients with signet ring cell cancer, a rare but aggressive form of cancer that starts in glandular cells.

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What is Signet Ring Cell Cancer?

Signet ring cell cancer gets its name from the resemblance of the cancer cells to signet rings when viewed under a microscope. This cancer most often develops in the abdominal cavity (the peritoneum), typically in the stomach, although it can start in the colon, rectum, appendix and other organs. When it first appears in the colon, for example, signet ring cell cancer frequently moves through the colonic wall to spread to the peritoneum.

At University Hospitals Seidman Cancer Center, we can diagnose and treat signet ring cell carcinomas in any part of the body. However, the focus of our current research efforts is signet ring cell cancer of the colon, rectum and appendix. About one to two percent of colorectal cancers diagnosed in the U.S. every year are of the signet ring cell variety. Of the approximately 150,000 cases of colorectal cancer diagnosed in the U.S. annually, signet ring cell cancer accounts for about 1,500 to 3,000 cases.

Symptoms of Signet Ring Cell Cancer

Symptoms of signet ring cell cancer often mimic the symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease. Specific symptoms include:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Changes in bowel habits
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Rectal bleeding
  • Weight loss

At UH Seidman Cancer Center, we use leading-edge diagnostics and cancer treatment innovations, such as specialized surgical techniques, systemic chemotherapy, HIPEC, radiation therapy and immunotherapy, to diagnose and treat signet ring cell cancer.

How to Schedule an Appointment

Patients can call our cancer information service line at 216-844-5432 (855-403-3594) to discuss appointment options. New patients will typically meet with the medical oncologist first. Our nurse navigator can work with you to obtain the medical records needed for your visit. The records we ask for include:

  • Note from the medical oncologist (or other cancer doctor) if you have already seen one
  • Biopsy report
  • Imaging results (CT Scans or MRI Scan)
  • Most recent blood work: Comprehensive Metabolic Panel, Complete Blood Count (CBC) and Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA) test

International patients should contact the Center for International Relations at 216-785-2774 or cir@UHhospitals.org .

Why Choose UH Seidman Cancer Center for Signet Ring Cell Cancer?

Due to the rarity of signet ring cell cancer, most oncologists have not treated it. At UH Seidman Cancer Center, we have a specialized, comprehensive program devoted to the care of patients with this difficult-to-treat disease. At the heart of the program is a team of fellowship-trained oncologists and surgeons with many years of experience treating signet ring cell cancer.

Patients in our program have access to the latest treatment options, including HIPEC, systemic chemotherapy, radiation therapy and immunotherapy. As a leading cancer research center, UH Seidman Cancer Center supports its signet ring cell cancer care with cutting-edge research into the genomic sequencing and the identification of molecular pathways of the disease in order to develop better therapies.

Get an Expert Second Opinion

A cancer diagnosis can be scary and potentially life-changing. Have confidence in your diagnosis and treatment options by getting a second opinion from a UH physician who specializes in signet ring cell cancer. Our experts will ensure you have all the information you need to make informed decisions about your medical care.

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Signet Ring Cell Cancer Research

Cytoreductive Surgery (CRS) With Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy (HIPEC) at UH Seidman Cancer Center

Sometimes signet ring cell cancer and certain other abdominal or pelvic cancers can spread to the peritoneum – the membrane that lines the abdomen cavity. When this occurs, the condition is known by such names as peritoneal disease, peritoneal cancer, peritoneal malignancy and peritoneal carcinomatosis.

Many patients with peritoneal cancer benefit considerably from cytoreductive surgery (CRS) with hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC). CRS is the surgical removal of the cancerous tumor or tumors from the abdomen or pelvis. HIPEC is a type of chemotherapy in which a heated solution containing an anti-cancer drug is delivered directly into the abdominal cavity following CRS to destroy any leftover cancer cells.

A high-volume location for CRS HIPEC treatment, UH Seidman Cancer Center is one of a few select cancer centers in the country to offer this groundbreaking, life-extending therapy.

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