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Research Training

Research Day for Surgery Residents
Research Day for Surgery Residents in Lecture
Research Day for Surgery Residents in Lecture
Research Day for Surgery Residents in Lecture
Research Day for Surgery Residents
Research Day for Surgery Residents
Research Day for Surgery Residents
Research Day for Surgery Residents

Research Training

Clinical Research Opportunities for Trainees

The research team includes residents from the Department of Surgery selected as Allen Scholars. Drs. Matthew Allemang, Daniel Kendrick and Ann Kim were Allen Scholars who worked as dedicated research fellows during the last five years.

In addition, we have recruited Case Western Reserve University Masters of Physiology students to complete research projects under the supervision of faculty and Allen Scholars. All trainees within the Division of Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Therapy are encouraged to participate in clinical research and are required to complete at least one project during their training.

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