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Internal Medicine Residency

A letter from our Program Director

Dear applicants,

Welcome to the UH St. John Medical Center Internal Medicine Residency Program!

We recognize the tremendous dedication and passion it has taken for you to reach this point in your academic journey. Choosing the right training program is a significant decision. We are proud of what we have to offer at UH SJMC, and hope this website gives you a glimpse into our community.

At UH SJMC, you can expect a well-rounded academic training experience in a community-based hospital. The advantages of training in a community-based setting are vast. In particular, this collaborative setting promotes the ability to foster relationships with core faculty, subspecialists, and interdisciplinary teams, leading to natural mentorship and a safe learning environment.

We are committed to meeting the needs of the adult learner by providing you with the environment, tools, and resources essential for continued success in your career. Training at UH SJMC provides a community-based experience with the resources of a tertiary training center.

Our experienced faculty members are dedicated to graduate medical education and continuously strive to enhance their teaching skills through ongoing professional development.  Our goal is to help you translate your medical knowledge to real life clinical scenarios through hands-on experience, human interaction, and a structured didactic curriculum.

For years, our program has attracted residents from diverse backgrounds, creating a multitalented and inclusive learning environment. The collegial atmosphere and supportive culture enable residents to thrive both personally and professionally. We are committed to maintaining a positive and safe space where every individual can reach their full potential.

We understand that each of you may have different priorities when selecting a training program. If there is something you are curious about, please do not hesitate to reach out to myself or our program coordinator, Cassidy Lasick.

Thank you for considering our program. We look forward to the opportunity to get to know you better!

Caitlin Gillen and the UH SJMC Team

Internal Medicine Residency Features

  • Hospital resident service with daily attending rounds: Interactive, collaborative, multidisciplinary teaching rounds
  • Continuity Care Clinic: Ambulatory experience with primary care preceptor for education on chronic disease management
  • ICU experience: Multidisciplinary ICU experience with clinical and didactic teaching led by pulmonologist intensivist
  • Simulation curriculum: Practice with acute care scenarios and procedural skills in a state-of-the-art sim lab
  • Daily didactics: Didactics education featuring boards-focused lectures
  • Subspecialty lectures
  • POCUS education
  • Resident research project
  • Resident-as-teacher: Residents create and deliver lecture material, enhancing their own education and developing their CV and lecture portfolio
  • Case studies
  • Committee participation
  • Board review
  • Web-based IM curriculum: using MKSAP and AMBOSS question banks

Internal Medicine Clinical Curriculum

Download Curriculum PDF

Contact Us

Cassidy Lasick
Internal Medicine Residency Coordinator
Phone: 440-772-0697
Fax (confidential): 440-772-0711

Contact the UH St. John UHCC Office

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