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Training Tomorrow's Leaders in Otolaryngology Care

One of the missions of the Otolaryngology Medical Education Program at Case Western Reserve University/University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center is to train future leaders through our residency program. This renowned five-year Otolaryngology Residency Program allows residents to gain experience in diagnosing and treating the full range of adult and pediatric ENT disorders through rotations in all major areas of otolaryngology. Residents receive hands-on training in the surgical management of ENT conditions and diseases and have access to specialized labs to hone their skills. In addition, residents engage in research and attend conferences to further explore the various aspects of otolaryngology care.

Five-Year Otolaryngology Residency

Since the incoming class of 2013, the ENT Residency Training Program at UH Cleveland Medical Center accepts four residents per year. During our five-year program, residents have exposure to the full spectrum of otolaryngology.

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Four Training Institutions

We are proud to offer our otolaryngology residents the opportunity to train at four separate institutions. Each site offers a unique patient population and hospital system that builds a well-rounded clinical experience over the course of five years.

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Our Program Aims

  • To graduate residents with clinical expertise in the full breadth of subspecialties of Otolaryngology
  • To match 50% or more of our trainees into top tier otolaryngology subspecialty fellowships
  • To educate our residents in the methods of scientific inquiry promoting life-long learning, quality improvement and research as an integral part of their later careers
  • To train 50 % or more of our residents to become leaders in academic Otolaryngology
  • To develop in our residents actionable wellness practices in which they engage consistently

Innovation and Improvement in Residency Training

Our faculty are engaged and dedicated mentors, encouraging innovation and improvement in patient care and residency training. Our otolaryngology residents emerge with a wealth of operative experience that prepares them well for private practice as well as academic fellowships and careers. Life in Cleveland offers a vibrant cultural arts center, a diverse and ever-growing food scene and three major league sports teams.

Residency Contact Information

Sarah Mowry, MD
Residency Program Director, Otolaryngology Residency

Karen Walsh
Residency Program Administrator
Email: Karen.Walsh2@uhhospitals.org

Life in Cleveland Has So Much to Offer

Whether you are interested in exploring the rich cultural history of its neighborhoods or eating at one of its many award-winning eateries, Cleveland has something for everyone.