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UH Future Nurse Academy

What is the UH Future Nurse Academy?

The UH Future Nurse Academy is a two-week summer program designed to give high school students entering the 10th, 11th, or 12th grade a first-hand learning experience about the profession of nursing.

About the Academy

This program will build on the student's existing talents, skills, and gifts preparing them for healthcare careers beyond high school. Students are nurtured with the thoughtful support of UH clinicians and partners. The two-week program includes visits to area college/university’s schools of nursing, while focusing on well-being techniques and hands-on experience to learn different nursing skills. Our ultimate goal is that students follow their dream of becoming healthcare professionals and stay in the Northeast Ohio area, where they grew up.

Students will learn:

  • Approaches to problem-solving, critical thinking, executive functioning, and social and emotional skills necessary for success
  • Health and wellness best practices
  • Current technologies in nursing practice
  • Hands-on learning
  • Simulation lab experiences
  • Best practices and strategies to address social determinants of health

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UH Future Nurse Academy Details

  • When and Where: Students will request to attend one of these three locations; each session runs Monday – Friday from 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
    • East: June 17–28, Lakeland Community College
    • Central: July 8–19, Cuyahoga Community College
    • West: July 22–August 2, Lorain Community College
  • Offsite Visits: Students will visit schools of nursing and healthcare centers.
  • Mentorship: Students will be matched with mentors in their area of interest.
  • Experiential Learning: Students will engage in hands-on experiences in their assigned work area.
  • Support: Students will receive a stipend, healthy meals, all materials needed for the program, and transportation to attend all offsite events.
  • Financial Support: Students will earn a stipend for their full participation in our program.

Calendar of Events

  • January 22: Applications available
  • February 19: Applications due
  • Early April: Applicants notified of status
  • May: Orientation training sessions begin (days and times TBD)
  • June 17, July 8 or July 22: Welcome and program kick-off; each of the 10 days will have a well-being activity. We will also be doing hands-on training, working with nurses at area hospitals, and visiting local nursing schools.

Additional Resources for the UH Future Nurse Academy