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Tissue Engineering

Dr. Eban Alsberg, PhD, Professor

Research Interests

Cartilage metabolism, bone transplantation, models of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, and biomechanics of joints and joint replacement.

Dr. Alsberg’s basic research includes investigations in bone and cartilage transplantation, new approaches to bone repair, and the exploration of new generations of prosthetic knee and hip joints. Dr. Alsberg’s laboratory is investigating the approaches to the use of cellular-based technology in the repair of full- and partial-thickness articular cartilage defects. Studies have included investigations of bone and cartilage transplants with focus on experimental models evaluating the interplay of vascularization and immune response of the host. These projects are closely related to other projects by faculty involving matrix molecular biology and cartilage repair technologies. The basic concept continues to be the use of novel cellular constructs using mesenchymal stem cells as the basis for the repair of full- and partial-thickness defects of articular cartilage. New materials and interfaces are being explored with other investigators to develop new generations of prosthetic knee and hip joints, with the ultimate aim of optimal design and interface characteristics.